Category: Scary
My New Pet Orb Weaver Spider
As I was mowing the grass in my back yard two weeks ago, I was startled by a huge spider that crept out from under a board on our fence. I wanted to take some pictures of it but after I finished mowing it was gone. Today, however, the same spider (I assume) kindly relocated…
Outsourced Pest Control
I spotted this creepy spider while I was getting the mail this evening. Scary! Anyone know what type of spider this is?
I Feel Like a Cannibal
Today I had the strangest experience ever. My dentist decided I needed a root canal so I went to the endodontist to have the operation. They put a rubber dam around the tooth which was no fun because it covered my mouth, so my only breathing option was through my nose. As the doctor began…
Quote of the Day
Chris B: I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Me being a programmer is like a tool-using ape building star ships.